Full swing into Advent Preparations!

Full swing into Advent Preparations!

Living in the present is much simpler When not attempting to do Everything at once.   Virtual Christmas pageant recording. Wash the windows squeaky clean. Bathe the grubby car.   Dust the furniture, it’s been quite some time. Set out Holiday décor Add in Christmas...
Full swing into Advent Preparations!

Weekly Devotional

Water is forcefully pushed straight up and out from the center of the fountain. Flowing with nature this Divine Messenger resists not. Bending to the north as the invisible energy of the southerly winds from the Unpredictable Life-force push Through and through....
Full swing into Advent Preparations!

Devotion: Wednesday, November 11th

Hush! Hush! Listen as the symmetry in nature unfolds bringing hope and order to the universe. In the quietude appreciate what is ultimately valuable. Ooo’s and awe’s of passers-bye were expressed not long ago in gratitude for springtime blooms from the neighborhood...
Full swing into Advent Preparations!

Weekly Devotional

May our hearts be open to places of worship that reset our bodies and spirits wherever we may wander. Stepping gently into the sanctuary of harvested fields Bare feet sinking as the rich black soil squishes between toes. Inhaling the scent of harvested corn Listen to...
Full swing into Advent Preparations!

Weekly Devotional

Gathering twigs and sawing logs while preparing to start a fire warms my heart. Both the family I grew up in and the family Denny and I reared camped during the summer. Sometimes friends joined us and inevitably we sang songs around the fire at night. There would be...
Full swing into Advent Preparations!

Weekly Devotional

In the ancient scriptures we are reminded to “praise and exalt God above all forever!” Along with the angels, sun and moon, and stars of heaven, give praise with the shower and dew, with the winds, frost and chill, ice and snow, light and darkness, lightning and...
Full swing into Advent Preparations!

Weekly Devotional

When we make the decision to spend time engaging in relationship with the divine a solitary moment can be life changing. The fourth annual Saint Paul Women’s Spiritual Retreat was held this week. Every year has held its own qualities depending upon those who attend,...

Weekly Menu

Monday: B- Cereal, bananas, milk L- Turkey and cheese sandwiches (WG), corn, melon, and milk S- Cottage cheese and goldfish Tuesday: B- Waffles, oranges, milk L- BBQ meatballs on a bun, zucchini and squash mix, pineapples, and milk S- Chips and salsa Wednesday: B-...