Proud to Affirm

Everyone Has a Place Here



Saint Paul Benson is an official member of the United Methodist Reconciling Ministries Network. Our congregation states:

With God’s love as our foundation, we celebrate friendship with all of God’s people, affirming all sexual orientations and gender identities. Together, we will seek justice for all and do good in our community, nation and around the world in the name of Jesus Christ.

Music Ministry

Saint Paul has a rich history of strong music ministries. Led by our Minister of Worship, Rev. Jerry Brabec, our music ministry includes a bell choir, adult choir, seasonal ensembles, and numerous guest musicians. We invite those interested in joining the Joy Bell Choir and singers’ choir to contact Rev. Brabec at or by calling the church office.

Faith Formation

Faith Formation is vital to the life of Saint Paul. This area of ministry includes age-level ministries, small groups, and seasonal activities.

Current offerings include children’s and youth ministries under the direction of Rev. Wheeler; a weekly Lectio Divina group; and seasonal adult book studies via Zoom.

Children’s Sunday School meets each Sunday following worship at 11:15 am in Room 313.  The Youth Group has fun activities scheduled each week. Contact Rev. Wheeler for details! 


Saint Paul has a strong history of advocacy and giving in our neighborhood and community. A founding member of the Benson Area Refugee Task Force (BART), Saint Paul is also a member of the Benson Neighborhood Association and BFF (formerly known as Benson First Friday.)

Current community partners include Together, Omaha Together One Community (OTOC), The Big Garden, Habitat for Humanity, Youth Emergency Services (YES), and Benson High School. The church supports the UMC-related Guatemala Stove Project, United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) and hosts an annual health clinic which includes free influenza vaccines.

For more information about current activities, including financial and in-kind donations, please contact the church office.

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