Marta’s Weekly Devotion-Appreciation

Appreciation Let’s savor ordinary mementos photos, cards, a piece of chocolate reminders of one who is now absent from our lives. If I didn’t worry about you thinking I’ve gone mad and turning away I’d hug each of you and whisper in your ear “God loves you” just...
Marta’s Weekly Devotion–Mom-Scents Through the Seasons

Weekly Devotion, Leaning

Leaning The sanctuary fills with sounds of the St Paul band playing “Lean On Me” in time people warm up lowering printed word moving into mellow song prayers leaning into God’s love to know calm and peace. Look around and notice Spirit connecting folks leaning in to...

Weekly Devotional-Peace

Peace As the branches sway birds sing, and doggie whimpers protecting mom from dangers unknown. Hardness of metal chair felt beneath a tender tailbone reminds of nagging pain within even so somehow gratitude still flows through with Love’s hopeful presence softening...
Marta’s Weekly Devotion–Mom-Scents Through the Seasons

Weekly Devotional-A Walk in the Park

A Walk in the Park As glowing orange globe descends in evening sky Spirit’s presence hangs heavy in Summer’s air. Breath lengthens in response to thick air blanketing earth smoldering scents of mulch, prairie flowers, leaves. Six perfectly spaced cottontails in zigzag...
Weekly Devotional-Reshaped Prayers

Weekly Devotional-Reshaped Prayers

RESHAPED PRAYERS In the silence I close my eyes pleading with God for recovery of those who are ill. “How long, O God, How long? Flow on Holy Spirit course comfort and peace through their veins!” Takes more time than I care to admit trusting in God’s goodness my eyes...
Marta’s Weekly Devotion–Mom-Scents Through the Seasons

Weekly Devotional-The Goodness of God

The Goodness of God Traipsing through the hills the wonderous meadow buoys my mood eyes drawn to lovely sunflowers, milkweed, larkspur, and spiderwort carefree butterflies and humming bumblebees welcome nectar testing. In these moments, I breathe in the goodness of...