Weekly Devotional ~ Smoky Mountains Call

Weekly Devotional ~ Smoky Mountains Call

Smoky Mountains Call In the instant we were thrust through the entrance of the tall iron gates a realization came over me of just how quiet my present life has become and how jarring chaos can seem to me. The further we walked, the more I pulled back from the various...
Weekly Devotional ~ Smoky Mountains Call

Weekly Devotional ~ Life Energy

THE MIDNIGHT HOUR Even from a distance I can feel this is a special moment for this predominately white congregation. Standing on the shoulders of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and many others before and since, Rev. Andrew Finch preaches. As the sermon grows in...
Weekly Devotional ~ Smoky Mountains Call

Weekly Devotional ~ Purified and Cleansed

TAKING A RIDE IN WINTER! This time it wasn’t a boy on a red sled or a girl on two white skis. Neither was it a dude on a snowboard or an old couple on a toboggan smiling from ear to ear. You might guess that the ones taking a ride were in an automobile with the heater...
Weekly Devotional ~ Smoky Mountains Call

Weekly Devotional ~ One Autumn Sunday

Sensing Wonder Sweet sparrows sing out the Season of Autumn once more. Yet stepping into the backside of autumn brings feelings of awe and a bit of fear perhaps. The past few weeks I’ve picked up broad leaves in brilliant colors and saved them as bookmarks just in...
Weekly Devotional ~ Smoky Mountains Call

Weekly Devotional ~ Who is Blessing Who?

Who is Blessing Who? With a dove resting on one sleeve of his brown cowl-neck robe Saint Francis holds court for furry companions who’ve been drawn here as the bright sun gives way to dusk. Some, who have faced such indescribable hardships reward their human family...