Sensing Wonder

Sweet sparrows sing out the
Season of Autumn once more.
Yet stepping into the
backside of autumn brings feelings of awe
and a bit of fear perhaps.

The past few weeks I’ve picked up
broad leaves in brilliant colors
and saved them as bookmarks
just in case there is never again a
specimen as pretty as
this perfect one found while walking.

Stepping into the backside
of autumn causes my
miniature furry friend
to be a bit skittish and unable
to walk far without planting her paws
and belly firmly on the earth.

It is there that she watches
the leaves twirl in the breeze and observes
the crunchy, brown pods scattering across the lawn.
She’s not about to wander
past a purple mum glistening
without admiring how it shines so!

This pup’s first autumn is filled
with wonder and joy and sometimes
concern. Do you think that she
knows what’s ahead as a sliver of winter arrives?
Let’s take each day as it comes,
Sensing wonder in new ways!

Matthew 6:34 MSG

“Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.”

One Autumn Sunday

Altogether, this past Sunday was a very good day in which I really didn’t worry about what may happen, but simply enjoyed the moment. During worship we celebrated two centennial birthdays of members we all love at Saint Paul. We heard a heartwarming sermon, a heart-stirring anthem, and were happy for young children attending worship and Sunday School.

In the afternoon, the youth group went to the new Capitol Avenue district. We walked through a giant slide show of Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel artwork. None of us had been to Rome before and were quite captivated. Then, over scones and chocolate chip cookies we wondered how those incredible images have affected the faith of Christians over the ages.

Afterwards, in our sanctuary, several dozen gathered to listen to The Chamber Music Gallery. The ensemble is composed of a violin, viola, cello, oboe, and piano. They played pieces with emotion that sink into the heart until tears well up. Some composers were familiar, and others were new to me: Handel, Clarke, Mengozzi, Mendelssohn, and Piazzol.

No one event this past Sunday was earth shattering. But all together remind me of the goodness of God and the rhythm of life. Oh, the wonder of being together while sharing music, images, and sweets!

We’d love to hear how you’ve experienced the wonder of life!

Sending prayers of God’s peace, love, and hope to you!

Rev. Marta Wheeler

To view and download a PDF version of this devotional, click here: Devotional MW 2021-11-10