Weekly Devotional ~ Saints of this Day

Weekly Devotional ~ Saints of this Day

Saints of the Church As November appears on the calendar patron saints of the ages come to mind. Some say they intercede for us in prayer just as a friend would pray for you now. I’m reassured thinking of Saint Anthony of Portugal finding lost people and wedding rings...
Weekly Devotional ~ Saints of this Day

Weekly Devotional ~ The Well of Wisdom Within

The Well of Wisdom Within I wonder how the journey to the inner well of wisdom that holds nourishment of spirit and mind will go today? Will the path be steep, scented with musk before the bubbling, rocky mountain stream comes into view midst the forest trees? Will I...
Weekly Devotional ~ Saints of this Day

Weekly Devotional ~ Sensing Beauty

This Gift In the afternoon we are impressed by the huge and perfectly created leaf that has recently fallen from the old Sycamore tree and found its way into the hands of one woman. As we amble by we wonder where the crunchy, twirling and dancing leaves will...
Weekly Devotional ~ Saints of this Day

Weekly Devotional ~ Looking at Life

As the Holy Spirit Blows Each day the Wind blows in something new! Will it be a tremendous blessing of a birthday, anniversary, job transition, or a precious new baby in the family? Each day the wind blows in something new. It may be the weighty sadness of illness or...
Weekly Devotional ~ Saints of this Day

Weekly Devotional ~ Who is Blessing Who?

Who is Blessing Who? With a dove resting on one sleeve of his brown cowl-neck robe Saint Francis holds court for furry companions who’ve been drawn here as the bright sun gives way to dusk. Some, who have faced such indescribable hardships reward their human family...
Weekly Devotional ~ The Mirror of Understanding

Weekly Devotional ~ The Mirror of Understanding

Lifting the Latch Once again, I hang close to the door and gaze into this looking glass where the light of Christ draws me in and Jesus stands on the other side. Gazing into the mirror, the regrets reflected are from years of clinging. Studying them again, forgiveness...
Weekly Devotional ~ The Mirror of Understanding

Weekly Devotional ~ Life Cycles On

Settling In One moss green chair hammock hangs from the hook drilled into the cedar beam above and gently sways in the breeze. It is calling out my name to come sit in the net. Initially, I do not move but wonder, what will change if I move from here to there? What...