This Gift

In the afternoon we
are impressed
by the huge and perfectly created
leaf that has recently
fallen from the old Sycamore tree

and found its way into the hands of one woman.

As we amble by
we wonder
where the crunchy, twirling and dancing leaves will eventually
be buried and become fresh soil

that will host tiny blossoms of
yellow or blue.

Bright sunshine streams through
tall cottonwoods
nourishing and energizing those gazing up for a message from
God out of the clear, azure sky.

The Holy One is heard as the
heart opens.

Psalm 34

I will bless the Lord at all times;
praises will always be in my mouth.
praise the Lord—
let the suffering listen and rejoice.
Magnify the Lord with me!
Together let us lift his name up high!
I sought the Lord who answered me,
delivering me from all my fears.
Those who look to God will shine;
their faces are never ashamed.
This suffering person cried out:
the Lord listened and saved them from every trouble.
On every side, the Lord’s messenger protects those who honor God; and delivers them.
Taste and see how good the Lord is!
The one who takes refuge in God is truly happy!

Sensing Beauty

Just last weekend the women of our church gathered near the Missouri River for our annual retreat. Each person had their own way of bonding with God. Prayer took many forms.

We connected while sitting still and breathing deeply, doing Tai Chi movements, singing, and walking slowly down a dirt path through the woods or arboretum.

We united with our Creator while sinking into the Adirondack chairs and listening to the water lapping against the side of the riverboat, the birds singing, and gazing at the nearly full moon deep in the heavens.

It is through listening and immersing ourselves in nature that we sense beauty in one leaf or tiny flower. This beauty is reflected in how we see ourselves and one another as being truly beautiful.

May we taste and see how good our Creator is! May we release our fears and seek after the one who created us, beautiful inside and out!

We pray for you and see your innate goodness as a child of God,

Rev. Marta Wheeler

To view and download a PDF version of this devotional, click here:  Devotional MW 2021-10-20