Weekly Devotional–2023 Saint Paul Benson Parade

Weekly Devotional–A Small Piece of Heaven

A Small Piece of Heaven Here you are in this small room preparing for the gift of Eucharist with the Christ. Seated, you observe the entrance of others that you’ve known in some way since childhood your eyes widen with wonder as Mary the Mother sits next to you, looks...
Weekly Devotional–2023 Saint Paul Benson Parade

Weekly Devotional–Rhythms of Life

Rhythms of Life Lub-dub, Lub-dub feeling my heart’s whooshing rhythm miraculously filling body with vitality whether awake or sleeping. All around and for all timehuman hearts beat in rhythmLub-dub, Lub-dub, Lub-dub.Even the forest has a heartbeat nourishing holy...
Pentecost Sunday at Saint Paul

Pentecost Sunday at Saint Paul

Even if no one told you ahead of time you would have seen, felt, and heard the possibilities of transformation present on Pentecost Sunday.   Many souls dared to venture out for the first time in more than a year. You can see the wonder in their eyes, as though...
Pentecost Sunday at Saint Paul

Finding Refuge in the Dale

Just south of the taller trees blossoms the color of persimmons catch my eye while walking the winding path. My eyes widen with surprise after seeing the blooms that hung like white lanterns from leafed out branches.   As the raindrops descend it is tempting to...