Just south of the taller trees

blossoms the color of persimmons catch

my eye while walking the winding path.

My eyes widen with surprise after seeing the blooms

that hung like white lanterns from leafed out branches.


As the raindrops descend it

is tempting to reverse my steps and return

to safety, but presently the songbirds

drown out the traffic on Dodge. So, I take

refuge beneath an old tree and listen.


It isn’t long before my

heart opens to hear more birds echoing

the call of the first nearby chorus.

I find myself smiling and enjoying

this little respite. In this dale I feel held dear.


With me are those I miss deeply.

Beneath the flag, here in the grassy lowlands,

I mingle with the green of summer,

in stark contrast to the charcoal grey sky.

Tranquility fills my heart and my soul.


A Contrasting God

In contrast to quietly experiencing the divine in the quietness, the Pentecost scripture from the Acts of the Apostles chapter 2, describes a very noisy affair.

Suddenly a sound from heaven like the howling of a fierce wind

filled the entire house where they were sitting.

We know the sounds of fierce winds! Furthermore, the wonderful sounds of many languages being spoken at once can be heard each Sunday from our own Wesley Hall. It’s fills me with awe to hear the sermon being translated into different languages when listening in on the African worship service that is recorded and heard across the world!

Even though the first Christian Pentecost was anything but quiet, we may also experience the extraordinary in ordinary days. Our hearts are changed, we are helped to see visions, and may have wild dreams that help us see new ways of showing God’s love.

In the Apostle Peter’s first sermon, thousands of people listened intently and understood the need to change their hearts and lives. Meanwhile, when we realize the gift of the Holy Spirit, we turn away from fear and focus on Christ. Together we go into our hearts with God, release the past, and are present to divine abundance, grace, and love.  Journeying onward, we are on fire for God!

Sending Pentecost blessings to you that are heart warming and life transforming!
Rev. Marta Wheeler