Weekly Devotional – Hopes & Dreams

Weekly Devotional – Hopes & Dreams

School Daze This morning children’s faces shine as glorious as goldenrod and coneflower blooms. So excited are they to return to school after weeks of freedom to sleep in. Only yesterday, parents were seen biking alongside young children while one Yorkie named...
Weekly Devotional – Hopes & Dreams

Weekly Devotional – Navigating these Times

Lauritzen Gardens Stepping across the threshold of the botanical gardens We relax into the lovely August evening. Enduring humidity and heat just a few days ago, breathing in cooler air refreshes like a sip of iced tea. Wandering on the paths of wonder are young...
Weekly Devotional – Hopes & Dreams

Weekly Devotional – God for All Ages

Matthew 6:25-34 Worry about Necessities Jesus says, “Therefore, I say to you, don’t worry about your life, what you’ll eat or what you’ll drink, or about your body, what you’ll wear. Isn’t life more than food and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds in the...
Weekly Devotional – Hopes & Dreams

Weekly Devotional ~ Faithful Living

Creation Grabs our Attention Even now, in this momentary pause the sparrow’s sweet morning song enters my breath, thus joy and thanksgiving fill my soul. Even more happiness arises at home when my husband and I delight in the crazy antics of squirrels named Rocky and...
Weekly Devotional – Hopes & Dreams

Weekly Devotional ~ Let the Children Come

Boy at Piano Green is on display in this summer Church Season of Ordinary Time yet it feels extraordinary! Expectantly, the people watch as this nine-year-old boy sits down on the edge of the bench placed by the grand piano. With appropriate posture and hand-shape,...
Weekly Devotional – Hopes & Dreams

Weekly Devotional – It’s Not Ours to Judge

Pax Magna Unexpectantly, a smoky-hued cloud floats swiftly across the upper atmosphere standing out against unremarkable white fluff and blue sky. A diverse angel squad rides this cloud and looks down at struggling humans dispersing in all directions seen in the chaos...
Weekly Devotional – Hopes & Dreams

Weekly Devotional – Supportive Community

Togetherness Flowers flock appearing in bouquets in the garden Just as grass grows strong as a congregation passing the peace. Robins roost nearing one another in tree or shrub Just as solitary raindrops rally in mass bringing renewal. Forest’s tree roots reach out,...