A Christmas Poem

A Christmas Poem

Nine months the Baby has been nourished In his mother’s womb By the food she has eaten And the respite she has taken.   Nine months since The angel Gabriel Came to Mary and  The gift humbly accepted. Mothering the Son of God Believing, with all the strength that she...
A Christmas Poem

May the Light of Christ bring you peace!

Into the wide mouth of each opened white paper sack flow the grains of playground sand.   As carefully as a table  is set, one hundred white candles are so gently placed.   One,  then two, then three, then four Until all wicks are lit Creating a glow so soft.   Lifted...
A Christmas Poem

Heavenly beings and healing prayers

The old woman’s eyes gaze back and forth at her gnarled hands and the gnarled branches revealed on the ancient tree comparing the two.   Now that the leaves have dropped And the birds’ nests exposed Twists and turns are clearly viewed.   Both hands and the tree...
A Christmas Poem

Full swing into Advent Preparations!

Living in the present is much simpler When not attempting to do Everything at once.   Virtual Christmas pageant recording. Wash the windows squeaky clean. Bathe the grubby car.   Dust the furniture, it’s been quite some time. Set out Holiday décor Add in Christmas...