Weekly Devotional – You are Worthy

Weekly Devotional – You are Worthy

Awakening to a New Day Some days this friend wakes up feeling discouraged and sad. She must force her feet to the floor and breathe deeply into the dark shadows. Yet an opportunity gives her a start when she realizes the sun hasn’t risen yet. Then, she ties her...
Weekly Devotional – You are Worthy

Weekly Devotional – Hopes & Dreams

School Daze This morning children’s faces shine as glorious as goldenrod and coneflower blooms. So excited are they to return to school after weeks of freedom to sleep in. Only yesterday, parents were seen biking alongside young children while one Yorkie named...
Weekly Devotional – You are Worthy

Weekly Devotional – Navigating these Times

Lauritzen Gardens Stepping across the threshold of the botanical gardens We relax into the lovely August evening. Enduring humidity and heat just a few days ago, breathing in cooler air refreshes like a sip of iced tea. Wandering on the paths of wonder are young...
Weekly Devotional – You are Worthy

Weekly Devotional – God for All Ages

Matthew 6:25-34 Worry about Necessities Jesus says, “Therefore, I say to you, don’t worry about your life, what you’ll eat or what you’ll drink, or about your body, what you’ll wear. Isn’t life more than food and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds in the...