Two Deer

I see the prairie with new eyes
as dawn breaks on the hillside
and one white-tailed deer
bounds down the nearby path.

As dusk falls that very night
seventy-seven miles from there
a deer appears
like any teen not yet ready for bed.

With binocular eyes I
peer into the woods seeking
wildlife and observe
holy light streaming tween dark

layers and layers of varied green
branches when my ears pick up the obvious
and delightful
call and response of the

bob-white, bob-white, echoing clearly
and I smile like the ten-year-old
that still plays
within this aging body.

Through the forest the shriek
of the red-tailed hawk mystifies
and finally
glides on in wisdom of silence.

Heart calming, at one with green leaves
forming delicate windchimes.
Pausing to listen
Inhaling a sense of peace.

How could anyone see and
hear any of this and still doubt
in the ever
Creating, Redeeming, Sustaining God?

Psalm 86 A Prayer of David

Lord, listen closely to me and answer me,
because I am poor and in need.
Guard my life because I am faithful.
Save your servant who trusts in you—you! My God!
Have mercy on me, Lord,
because I cry out to you all day long.
Make your servant’s life[a] happy again
because, my Lord, I offer my life to you,
because, my Lord, you are good and forgiving,
full of faithful love for all those who cry out to you.
Listen closely to my prayer, Lord;
pay close attention to the sound of my requests for mercy.
Whenever I am in trouble, I cry out to you,
because you will answer me.
My Lord! There is no one like you among the gods!
There is nothing that can compare to your works!
All the nations that you’ve made will come
and bow down before you, Lord;
they will glorify your name,
because you are awesome
and a wonder-worker.
You are God. Just you.


It’s funny how prayers can take so many forms. Sometimes we may feel the need to close our eyes and pray for those in our hearts or at a physical distance. If kneeling, the prayer may be that we can get back up! Other times we pray with our eyes wide open for those we see face to face or to give thanks for what is in our view.

This morning no words to came while dwelling with fascination at the cotton dancing through the air like tiny wispy angels parachuting in slow motion. I’ve watched the “summer snow” many times and marvel each time to see these messengers of love who show awareness of fragile souls nearby.

When feeling overwhelmed, reading, or writing poetry lifts my heart. Contemplating nature, I know am loved. God hears our cries wherever and however we pray.

We hold you to the light and love of Christ when in worship and wherever you may be throughout your week.

God’s love and peace,

Rev. Marta Wheeler

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