Sometimes our hearts hurt.
for those in harm’s way.
The skies darken and we wonder.
what tomorrow will bring.

Finally, the clouds begin to clear.
Through them sunrays boldly
shine forth in all directions.
God’s intends that we believe.

Fortifying the spirit
for the week ahead
occurs simply by entering
the sanctuary prayerfully.

Most certainly, there
is utter change in the
energy of the room when
we gather to worship.
Akin to when sisters
and brothers cease fighting
for a spell, and this sense of
gratefulness for the
peaceful moment of bliss
immediately overcomes us.

Strength and unity
bless us when uniting
in song and prayer and being
immersed in the Word of God.

Stirring within our hearts,
the Spirit of Christ
unequivocally transforms
us from deep within.
Whether near or far
nothing can separate the
Christ within from uniting
And blessing the other.

We attain strength together.

Psalm 27

Of David (CEB)

27 The LORD is my light and my salvation.
Should I fear anyone? The LORD is a fortress protecting my life. Should I be frightened of anything?

2 When evildoers come at me trying to eat me up— it’s they, my foes and my enemies, who stumble and fall!

3 If an army camps against me, my heart won’t be afraid. If war comes up against me, I will continue to trust in this:

4 I have asked one thing from the LORD—it’s all I seek: to live in the LORD’s house all the days of my life, seeing the LORD’s beauty and constantly adoring his temple.

5 Because he will shelter me in his own dwelling during troubling times; he will hide me in a secret place in his own tent; he will set me up high, safe on a rock.

Obtain Hope

In times like these, it is so important to focus on the present moment while doing the rather mundane things in life. Simple tasks such as washing the dishes, folding clothes, or sweeping the floor can help keep us in our right minds when we pay attention to what we are doing. Even washing your face can be prayerful if breathing deeply and expressing gratefulness for the miracle of life that is you.

As we continue wandering through this Season of Lent, it is especially good to recognize the strength that we have when our hearts are united with other people of faith. Ever since we first sang Jesus Loves Me, This I Know, For the Bible Tells Me So, or prayed the Lord’s Prayer, we knew there was power and courage gained in singing words of faith aloud with others.

Dear ones, hear these closing words from Psalm 27:14:

Have hope in the LORD!
Be strong! Let your heart take courage!
Hope in the LORD!

God’s grace and peace be with you and flow out into the world,
Rev. Marta Wheeler

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