What do you see?

It feels so nice this summer’s eve
to have nothing to do but put
up my feet and gaze in wonder
at God’s awesome creation.

Purple martins in flight hasten
to perform their synchronized diving
routines, graceful acrobats
dive and dip, swirl and swoop.

Out of the blue I hear “Bob-white!
Bob-white!” After yearning so long
to hear the familiar call from
the prairie again, I smile.

Energizing the world one last time
the vibrant ball of fire descends
below the horizon past fields
of soybeans and fireflies.

Finally, with the hush nightfall brings,
planets and stars dot the heavens in
recognizable geometric patterns
and Abraham and Sarah come to mind.

My father made sure he taught
me that creation is a
visualization of the
vast love of our amazing God.

Do you see it, too?

God Dwells Within

When I was a young person with all kinds of energy, I didn’t understand how my parents could just sit and relax. We were off to play endless games in the swimming pool, diving off the board for hours, and trying to swim underwater further than my brothers. Back then, they always won.

In the present, I appreciate this stage of life’s journey. It is easier to relax into the evening and enjoy the blessings that it has for us. Relaxing and trusting God to take care of loved ones comes easier now. Not unlike my role as pastor, my role as grandmother is more subtle in listening, guiding, and praying.

The spiritual exercises draw us closer to God and bring a sense of peace that unifies us with the Divine and with those God puts in our paths. Gertrude of Helfta (1256-1302) was a mystic who lived in Germany. She wrote these inspiring words,

My God, you are my hope, you the glory; you the joy; you my blessedness.
You are the thirst of my spirit; you the life of my soul, you the jubilation of my heart.
Where above you could my wonder lead me, my God?
You are the beginning and the consummation of all that is good,
and in you all those who are glad,
have a dwelling-place together.

May you rest in the creative space of wonder, joy, and goodness. Receive the peace of Jesus Christ and know that you are loved.

Rev. Marta Wheeler

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