Winter’s Creations

Watching youngsters build
a snow fort on a
Sunday afternoon
I wonder
what can I build?

Instead of feeling
trapped in the house when
snow packed roads could lead
one into a
drift of despair

work a long-forgotten
puzzle, play a tune
stitch flowers on linen
write poetry

make an aromatic
stew in the crockpot
knead some bread until
soft and stretchy
sip hot cocoa.

Instead of feeling
trapped in the house
snuggle with a pet
under quilt layers
snooze a long while.

Dream sweetly and
behold the gift of
this day you’ve been given!

Psalm 65 (selected verses) from Psalms for Praying, by Nan Merrill

Hide not from Love, O friends,
sink not into the sea of despair,
the mire of hatred.
Awaken, O my heart, that I drown not
in fear!
Too long have I sailed where’re
the winds have blown!
Drop anchor!
O, Heart of all hearts, set a
clear course,
that I might follow!
Guide me to the Promised Shore!

At the rise of each morning, and
as the sun sets at night,
the people bow their heads
in reverent gratitude.

You visited the earth and slaked
our thirst,
offering Living Streams of
You fed the hungry,
and taught of Love’s way.

You watered hardened souls,
filled with stone and weeds,
softening them with kindness,
and blessing their growth.

You crowned your years with
inviting all to Eternal Life.
In the desert flowers come forth,
the pastures flourish with
fruit and grain;
Creation’s diversity is glorious!

May all people honor these gifts
with joyful song
while walking the path of Love.

Virtual Breakfast

Winter days are perfect for catching up on things we love to do but usually feel we don’t have the time to accomplish. We thank God for friends who call one another and check in to make sure all is well.

Due to the arctic blast and icy streets, the church service was held on Zoom last Sunday. Rev. Faith preached the first sermon of the Lord’s Prayer series. By praying and meditating together, we also basked in the presence of those who were able to log on. It helped us have a sense of normalcy on a Sunday morning. There was even virtual French toast for breakfast!

As a result of living through many blizzards and cold spells in life, Nebraskans have become resilient people! We do our best to keep sane by helping another and sharing jokes and laughter.

One centering prayer practice involves lighting a candle and imagining you are resting quietly in the presence of Christ. While sitting, lengthen your breaths, and simply “be” in Christ’s Love and Peace. Ask for whatever your heart needs in the moment. Feel the Compassionate Love flow through your body. There is no judgment here. Only Love. Stay here as long as you need.

Look up in the night sky! See the light of Epiphany as it continues to lead us on our journey of faithful love.

Rev. Marta Wheeler

P.S. Here are two riddles for you:
What do you call a skeleton flat-out sunbathing in winter?
A numb skull. 

What starts with an “e” and ends with an “e” and only has one letter in it?
An envelope. 

What’s the best way to stay home in the winter?
Put on so many layers of clothing that you can’t fit through the doorway!