Arriving at the oceanside we run

to the beach to breathe in rhythm

Uniting breath with the

Perpetual ebb and flow.

Salty air fills our lungs.


Before the sun rises over the horizon

We are on the sandy shores

Retrieving shells and driftwood

Amazed at starfish and the

Feel of sand between our toes.


As the sun rises over sparkly Mother Sea

The man with the giant rake smooths

Fine sand on the beach

And the ripples disappear

Leaving behind a show of tines.


Now we call the Divine Rake to come

Into our lives and smooth

Out the rough and toughness of life

To rescue us from that which

Seems more than we can bear.


As the solar rays stream down upon the sand

We soak up the light and are re-charged

For the days ahead

Surrendering to the gifts

of restoring, healing breath.


Hidden from us in the interior of the States,

is the tide never ceasing

Healing, ebbing, and flowing.

Resting and rolling waves breathe

Peace and healing harmony.



As a diversion strategy my husband and I have been “planning” a trip to Hawaii. It’s not that we will fly over the ocean for five hours during a pandemic, but it’s lovely to think of where we might stay and the activities we might do.

The news of this past week has been so difficult that we need to take a break and think pleasant thoughts. Bringing a sense of calmness are thoughts of lying on the seashore, soaking up the sun, jumping in the waves, swimming with the turtles, listening to the music that ebbs and flows with the tide, and spotting tremendous whales with their calves from a distance.

Life, similar to the sea, is not always calm and can be brutal during a storm. During these times it brings peace to pray from the passage entitled “Jesus Calms the Sea” from the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke.

From The Message we read:

 Luke 8:22-24 One day he and his disciples got in a boat. “Let’s cross the lake,” he said.

And off they went. It was smooth sailing, and he fell asleep.

A terrific storm came up suddenly on the lake. Water poured in, and they were about to capsize.

They woke Jesus: “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!”

Getting to his feet, he told the wind, “Silence!” and the waves, “Quiet down!”

They did it. The lake became smooth as glass.

25 Then he said to his disciples, “Why can’t you trust me?”

They were in absolute awe, staggered and stammering, “Who is this, anyway?

He calls out to the winds and sea, and they do what he tells them!”

This past week we were in a frightening storm and have pleaded with God in a similar way, “Master, Master, we are going to drown!” And in the storm, Jesus calms the sea. Not just for the people in the boat who are pleading, but for everyone on the Sea of Galilee.

May we be people of hope who, in the midst of fear, trust in God and pray for a miracle. We pray that the healing Spirit of Christ will be upon us and all obsessed with anger, fear, and hatred.

May we trust and be grateful enough to sing along with the morning sparrow’s song and know that we are safe and cared for. May we fish below the ice and find clear waters flowing deep and wide.

Shalom to you my friend,

Rev. Marta Wheeler