Once this week of dove grey skies drizzling

cold rain that softens the earth and

replenishes the soil


the tulips and daffodils will find a way to paint

the landscape with loveliness again this year.


We have a few more days to observe

the bare branches as well as the

few with tiny buds appearing.

Keep close what

you’ve learned this winter while insulated from the

wild and kept warm by thousands of mugs of hot tea.


With shots one and two injected into

many arms, the fear of last year lessens

and chosen thoughts remain.

The vitality

of walking, hiking, the turning of each step

in the labyrinth, prayers cupping the love of God.


In this changing of the seasons and

greening of the earth I wish to be

so connected with God,

our Beloved,

that the pot guarding my heart melts. And when fear

arises, I breathe deeply and wonder.


As winter evolves into springtime

And death evolves into new life

May our prayers be centered

on the Divine.

Springing up from within, reflecting nature’s beauty

A song of hope is brewing a sweet aroma.


Finding Balance in Life

 When living in rural Nebraska, there was ample time to learn about living off the land and living into the seasons. Often the conversations while in a lunch line centered around the weather and how the farmers were affected. On rainy days the local cafes were filled with laughter. When the soil temperatures were high enough, everything else is put on pause until the seeds are planted. Even though we no longer live in the rural area, my soul seeks out our Creator God in nature and learns from the seasons.

March 20th is the date of the Vernal Equinox for 2021. It’s a day to celebrate. We have survived another winter! On the equinox the day and night hours are perfectly balanced. It was considered a sacred day for our ancestors. Soon we will see all kinds of gifts of nature erupting and for another three months the days will get longer and warmer.

The equinox brings us to consider the balance of our own lives. Do we make time for play and relationships as well as work? How is our relationship with God? Do we make time each day to pray and contemplate the mystery and sacredness of life?

Imagine meeting outdoors with loved ones around a tree or shrub at sunrise this Saturday. Walk around the tree three or seven times while meditating on the abundance of life with a sense of awe and wonder. Then, offering thanksgiving for the miracle of Life, tie brightly colored ribbons onto the tree while praying for spiritual renewal. (You could also let your fingers do the walking around a potted plant as long as your spirit is in the reflection).

Halfway through the season of Lent, may we continue in reflective practices that draw us closer to God and to one another. Even on dreary days, may our hearts open to the gospels of Jesus. May we love our neighbors as ourselves in beautiful ways while reflecting on his life and all he taught us about faithful and holy living.

Thank you for the balance and hope you bring into the world through your prayers and faithfulness to God. We pray for you and your family.

Rev. Marta Wheeler