Weekly Devotional – Safe Spaces

Weekly Devotional – Safe Spaces

Safe Spaces Beloved child when you dare to speak of your troubles in life I’m tempted to tell you a dumb joke in an attempt to make you smile and ignore for a moment the pain within that you dare to share. I’m tempted to respond with “It’ll be okay, this too shall...
Weekly Devotional – Safe Spaces

Weekly Devotional – Appreciation of Life-givers

Appreciation for Life-givers Gliding across ice in shiny new figure skates feeling so grateful. Bonded to water Mysterious clouds, rivers Frozen ponds and lakes. Joined from the outset Water of mother’s warm womb Floats. Protects. Nurtures. This day gratefulness Flows...
Weekly Devotional – Safe Spaces

Weekly Devotional – Filling in the Gaps

Filling in the Gaps Back then Miss Knox lived on the corner in the red brick house built during the Civil War in the period General Dodge famously lived a mile or so away. Two doors down lived five children in the ordinary white house with this ancient Elm rising out...
Weekly Devotional – Safe Spaces

Weekly Devotional – Encounters in Nature

Encounters in Nature It’s been so long since our last encounter and in this season you so quietly sleep I mistake you for dead. What were my expectations and fears of seeing you this way with not a bright shade or color in view? The greys blanketing the sky and icy...
Weekly Devotional – Safe Spaces

Weekly Devotional – Whispers in the New Year

Whispers in the New Year Early this morning an angel whispered in my ear “What can I do for you today?” This ornery angel is dappled in color tempting touch with velvety soft ears while gazing lovingly into my eyes. She teaches me to dwell in wonder and curiosity and...
Weekly Devotional – Safe Spaces

Weekly Devotional – Swinging Spirits into 2023

Swinging Spirits into 2023 Moving into the New Year two young n’s climb up the smooth bark tree and carefully shift into the seats of the swings made of courage. No fear prevents us from enjoying the view below. No fear inhibits us from exploring the site above. No...