Weekly Devotional – Welcoming Spring

Weekly Devotional – Welcoming Spring

Welcoming Spring While lacking view of winter’s hidden vibrancy hope still arises this Vernal Equinox. Possibilities of new life draw us to welcoming Spring this eternal miracle of Mother Earth tilting on her axis while spinning in space is most incredible...
Weekly Devotional – Irish Blessings

Weekly Devotional – Irish Blessings

Irish Blessings We have a taste of Ireland Sweets, Irish stew, and soda bread made fresh from ladies’ kitchens. We see in our mind’s eye homes built of stone, bright green grasses, people praying “Bless us with good food, the gift of gab and hearty laughter.” We...
Weekly Devotional – Welcoming Spring

Weekly Devotional – Interpreting the Script

Interpreting the Script In attempts to simmer down I am circling the droopy-needled pine tree rooted in the Marriott Courtyard wondering aloud, why am I here so far from home, husband, and puppy? As if on cue, from out between the fragrant curtains of that tree...
Weekly Devotional – Welcoming Spring

Weekly Devotional – Inviting Hope

Inviting Hope I am of the nature to be quite patient most of the time but not now. The plaid flannel shirt, soft as a puppy’s ear offered warmth all winter, is already put in storage in my impatient mind where I’m tired of sleet and snow dead leaves. Hanging in closet...
Weekly Devotional – Welcoming Spring

Weekly Devotional – Counting Birds

Counting Birds Tom, this man who persevered for three days to rig and hang a bird feeder on the proper branch let me know that this past weekend was the exciting Audubon Society’s Great Backyard Bird Count! Now, I really can’t identify a nuthatch from a gnatcatcher...
Weekly Devotional – Welcoming Spring

Weekly Devotional – Creative Seeing

Creative Seeing At this point in winter ice is mostly melted and teeny tiny glaciers surprise hidden just around the shady bend. Grasping a low, steadying pine branch and skating with my feet, remaining upright induces a sense of accomplishment. At this point in...