Weekly Devotional ~ Advent Fair

Weekly Devotional ~ Advent Fair

Advent, Week II “Prepare ye the Way of the Lord. Prepare ye the Way of the Lord!” How do I express what I feel in my heart upon hearing the choir singing and the pastor preaching with enthusiasm and joy! “Praise my Soul the King of Heaven, to His feet your tribute...
Weekly Devotional ~ Advent Fair

Weekly Devotional ~ Just Keep Breathing

A Soul Freeing Walk Little puppy, what are you chasing on the trail that floats in the cold waters across the lake? What is it you see that I cannot or am not allowed to view? Ears flopping back in the breeze created by running you do not scale back to greet the...
Weekly Devotional ~ Advent Fair

Weekly Devotional ~ A Small Town Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day Welcome! Gather together the generations from the tiniest baby, to the teenagers sprouting, middle-agers greying, and the oldest ones. Seat the children at the shorter kid’s table where they’ll gobble little while giggling greatly then run off to play...
Weekly Devotional ~ Advent Fair

Weekly Devotional ~ Awareness of God’s Goodness

What’s On their Minds? With all my senses I enjoy this short-sleeve teaser of a day to the fall jacket day coming. Although many leaves have let go from the trees there are countless lovely colors on this one small tree. I wonder if small juncos feeding take note of...
Weekly Devotional ~ Advent Fair

Weekly Devotional ~ Saints of this Day

Saints of the Church As November appears on the calendar patron saints of the ages come to mind. Some say they intercede for us in prayer just as a friend would pray for you now. I’m reassured thinking of Saint Anthony of Portugal finding lost people and wedding rings...
Weekly Devotional ~ Advent Fair

Weekly Devotional ~ The Well of Wisdom Within

The Well of Wisdom Within I wonder how the journey to the inner well of wisdom that holds nourishment of spirit and mind will go today? Will the path be steep, scented with musk before the bubbling, rocky mountain stream comes into view midst the forest trees? Will I...