Weekly Devotional ~ The Golden Rule

Weekly Devotional ~ The Golden Rule

MARVELOUS MIRACLES Have you ever imagined what it must be like to race a bobsled on an ice-covered track or gracefully leap, then twirl, while on a pair of skates to cheers of the crowd? We can make believe what it must be like to be the toughest on the hockey rink or...
Weekly Devotional ~ The Golden Rule

Weekly Devotional ~ The Net is Cast Wide

NATURE’S HIDDEN WONDERS Submerged under thick shiny ice the river freely flows and schools of cold-blooded fish hang out in survival mode together. Above the dense, white clouds heavy with snow, the concealed atmosphere is an amazingly vibrant cerulean blue. Hidden...
Weekly Devotional ~ The Golden Rule

Weekly Devotional – God is Here

A Breakthrough Of Happiness No one was more surprised than I At the breakthrough of happiness Bringing color into my life yesterday. Perhaps it was the warmer air for a day or two that dispersed the winter doldrums while strolling through the stand of pines. Or the...
Weekly Devotional ~ The Golden Rule

Weekly Devotional ~ Our Rock and Fortress

Expectations Staying home the past ten days to quarantine my head was spinning with ideas of what I’d get done. I’ll organize and edit past writings in preparation to assemble a book soon. Surely, I’d practice both piano and dulcimer, organize the spices, and wipe...
Weekly Devotional ~ The Golden Rule

Weekly Devotional ~ Paying Homage

HELLO 2022 With eyes open wide in anticipation of brilliant colors and energizing fragrances, I prepare to meet the brand spanking New Year with expectations of being astonished daily. This first week… The Serenity of falling snow and love blanketing the earth as far...
Weekly Devotional ~ The Golden Rule

Weekly Devotional ~ Amazed by God’s Presence

INSPIRING LUMINARIA With each votive candle that is lit The light within becomes brighter Seen in faces glowing in the darkness. In the glow of the luminaria I cannot help but be grateful for the twelve months since we last lit up the night. One little votive candle...