Weekly Devotional ~ God is with You

Weekly Devotional ~ God is with You

THE WONDERS OF LIFE From the moment the sun rises And I take a deep inhale my nose knows it’s late Spring. The scent of lilacs and fresh peppermint fills this space and becomes more pungent as humidity fills the warming air. Delicate blooms of purple and lavender...
Weekly Devotional ~ God is with You

Weekly Devotional ~ Share Your Faith

Tuning Into God One at a time A seeker listens and responds to the call of the divine. One pair of ears receives the message One heart at a time softens and opens One set of hands folds quietly in prayer. One at a time Faithful tune in naturally towards people in true...
Weekly Devotional ~ God is with You

Weekly Devotional ~ God’s Grace Transforms

Twenty-four hours of Sky Gazing Once the invigorating sun ascends over the horizon subdued colors of pink and yellow suddenly brighten before dispersing in the sky. After thunderheads arise high in the sky we know a smidgeon of how vulnerable all of humanity is as...
Weekly Devotional ~ God is with You

Weekly Devotional ~ Uniting with Jesus

HOLY WEEK WITH JESUS While wandering on this lovely Spring day, it feels like its perfection could last forever and a day. I reflect upon shouting Hosannas and waving palm branches until our arms grow tired. Already we wandered into the emotional highs and lows of...
Weekly Devotional ~ God is with You

Weekly Devotional ~ Life Emerges

SPRINGING FORTH Winter amnesia had set in. My memory of the colorful autumn season had faded months ago. Exactly when I thought I could not stand seeing winter’s monochromatic landscape one more day Bright yellows, purples, and greens make the first move to scooch us...