An Attitude of Gratitude

An Attitude of Gratitude

Forgiveness Out of the many ways I can think to forgive it’s eased by pretending this offending act never occurred. I like you as before. Or print the name as prayer to give to God and never take it back when irked again. Stupid things I’ve done come to mind so I let...
An Attitude of Gratitude

Weekly Devotional – All Saints Day

Are You There? When settling in beneath the starry sky feeling as though I’m an incredibly minute dot in this universe yet unified with it in humility my arms raise and I fall to my knees soul feeling wild, free as the seagull. Experiencing in this holy moment only...
An Attitude of Gratitude

Weekly Devotional – A Boy in Solitude

A Boy in Solitude Feeling lonely and scared, this shaggy haired boy plants himself on a mossy log in the woods pondering “What did I do to deserve this life of mine?” Feeling the weight of parents’ expectations nearly as high as this old tree, her bare branches...
An Attitude of Gratitude

Weekly Devotional – Autumn Stillness

Be Still Trunks swaying in the swift winds no one remains stable whether seated on the bench or stepping carefully on the stone path of the labyrinth. This faithful woman bows her head, and as she trusts and prays the stress of the past week loses power and disappears...
An Attitude of Gratitude

Life’s Balance

A Balancing Act Viewing the early morning sky as light streams through the fog, awareness of a puffy, saw-toothed edged line of white clouds stretching horizontally across the sky makes me smile for the first time today. Reminded of a circus tight-rope walker I notice...
An Attitude of Gratitude

Weekly Devotional – Blessings Big & Small

Blessings of Autumn Once the “Free Pet Blessing” sign is planted in the soft earth a small family stops and Coco is given a blessing with love. Soon Gino and Katie D. are in line to receive the blessing in gratitude for being a faithful, ornery, energetic presence....