weekly devotional-United in Love

One walks the straight line down rows of cedar windbreak while he wanders in and about touching each rough tree trunk. One swims laps between dark lines painted on base of pool while she drifts along the shoreline wondering “where am I now?” One cuts wood...

Matthew’s First Thanksgiving

Never does the last week of November arrive that I don’t tell this story once again so great was the impact. We begin with this young mommy so homesick and ready to show off their infant son and two-year-old daughter that she didn’t think twice before boarding a plane...

Marta’s weekly devo–A Noteworthy Nut

A Noteworthy Nut I can’t recall a time when a nut of any sort has been sent into my car window on a breeze but then again, blustery days are known for bringing stranger things. This time it is a smooth little acorn with a cracked shell that catches me by surprise with...

Weekly devotion–Hang Onto Your Cowboy Hat

Hold Onto Your Cowboy Hat No one was as surprised as they, when shaking hands to join the rodeo that autumn eve in the sandhills. She never was much of one for the quilting bee and they’d worked on the wide-open range all their livelong days. When fit to be tied,...
Weekly devotion, Autumn Beauties

Weekly devotion, Autumn Beauties

Autumn Beauties Taking in the beauty of autumn from summer’s variations of greens to more shades of red, orange, and gold than contained in one large box of Crayola crayons. These gorgeous leaves are as valuable to the sight as sparkling gems. I wonder how it would be...

Weekly devotional-The Holy Sigh

The Holy Sigh Protecting her Love one lioness’ meow shifts into a great roar echoing across vast grasslands until finally she is heard and the boughs of autumn oak tree wrap her aching body with comfort breathing in unity deep audible sighs come forth, relief settles...

Marta’s Weekly Devotion-Healing Balm

Healing Balm My Creator fulfills my every need Slow down! Gaze around receive the blessings of leaves Holy Painter brushing on colors shiny buckeyes hatching from shells cool air tingling nostrils conscious of thoughts muddled, fear releases grip on heart soul heals...

Marta’s Weekly Devotion, Anticipating Harvest

Anticipating Harvest My feathered friends and I line up on the telephone wire where the view of the field is wide and we get wind of the John Deere combines and grain trucks revving their engines before combing the soil in sweeping curves across the hillside south of...