Weekly Devotional – Interpreting the Script

Weekly Devotional – Interpreting the Script

Interpreting the Script In attempts to simmer down I am circling the droopy-needled pine tree rooted in the Marriott Courtyard wondering aloud, why am I here so far from home, husband, and puppy? As if on cue, from out between the fragrant curtains of that tree...
Weekly Devotional – Interpreting the Script

Weekly Devotional – Inviting Hope

Inviting Hope I am of the nature to be quite patient most of the time but not now. The plaid flannel shirt, soft as a puppy’s ear offered warmth all winter, is already put in storage in my impatient mind where I’m tired of sleet and snow dead leaves. Hanging in closet...
Weekly Devotional – Interpreting the Script

Weekly Devotional – Counting Birds

Counting Birds Tom, this man who persevered for three days to rig and hang a bird feeder on the proper branch let me know that this past weekend was the exciting Audubon Society’s Great Backyard Bird Count! Now, I really can’t identify a nuthatch from a gnatcatcher...
Weekly Devotional – Interpreting the Script

Weekly Devotional – Creative Seeing

Creative Seeing At this point in winter ice is mostly melted and teeny tiny glaciers surprise hidden just around the shady bend. Grasping a low, steadying pine branch and skating with my feet, remaining upright induces a sense of accomplishment. At this point in...