Weekly Devotional – Be Unafraid

Weekly Devotional – Be Unafraid

Gifts of Silence Prayerfully stepping into the forest a sense of intrigue seeps into my sapped-out muscles and bones. The chatter of the warblers brings the first smile to my face as I recall humans whose voices reflect their lively conversation. Next my attention is...
Weekly Devotional – Be Unafraid

Weekly Devotional ~ The Golden Rule

MARVELOUS MIRACLES Have you ever imagined what it must be like to race a bobsled on an ice-covered track or gracefully leap, then twirl, while on a pair of skates to cheers of the crowd? We can make believe what it must be like to be the toughest on the hockey rink or...
Weekly Devotional – Be Unafraid

Weekly Devotional ~ The Net is Cast Wide

NATURE’S HIDDEN WONDERS Submerged under thick shiny ice the river freely flows and schools of cold-blooded fish hang out in survival mode together. Above the dense, white clouds heavy with snow, the concealed atmosphere is an amazingly vibrant cerulean blue. Hidden...
Weekly Devotional – Be Unafraid

Weekly Devotional – God is Here

A Breakthrough Of Happiness No one was more surprised than I At the breakthrough of happiness Bringing color into my life yesterday. Perhaps it was the warmer air for a day or two that dispersed the winter doldrums while strolling through the stand of pines. Or the...