Weekly Devotional ~ All You Need is God

Weekly Devotional ~ All You Need is God

The Breath of the Artist Like a magician’s wand the stroke of a tiny paintbrush transforms this blank canvas into a thing of beauty you cannot take your eyes away from. Like a fine wish bringer a stroke of a wide paintbrush transforms the brick wall into an...
Weekly Devotional ~ All You Need is God

Weekly Devotional ~ A Church Transformed

Deepening Faith A sense of holiness imbues the holy wanderers circling around one tree three times and then another. Narrow strips of bark as long as a toddler, carpet the tree base while burnt bare branches point courageously upward. Each gazer has her own...
Weekly Devotional ~ All You Need is God

Weekly Devotional ~ God is with You

THE WONDERS OF LIFE From the moment the sun rises And I take a deep inhale my nose knows it’s late Spring. The scent of lilacs and fresh peppermint fills this space and becomes more pungent as humidity fills the warming air. Delicate blooms of purple and lavender...
Weekly Devotional ~ All You Need is God

Weekly Devotional ~ Share Your Faith

Tuning Into God One at a time A seeker listens and responds to the call of the divine. One pair of ears receives the message One heart at a time softens and opens One set of hands folds quietly in prayer. One at a time Faithful tune in naturally towards people in true...