Weekly Devotional – Supportive Community

Weekly Devotional – Supportive Community

Togetherness Flowers flock appearing in bouquets in the garden Just as grass grows strong as a congregation passing the peace. Robins roost nearing one another in tree or shrub Just as solitary raindrops rally in mass bringing renewal. Forest’s tree roots reach out,...
Weekly Devotional – Supportive Community

Weekly Devotional – This is My Father’s World

The Invasion At a monastery known for silence I cannot recall being greeted so boisterously on a sultry Monday when the sun is high at quarter past four. In particular, one loudmouth will not let up, despite my yearning to hear the water emerging from the base of the...
Weekly Devotional – Supportive Community

Weekly Devotional ~ Designing and Collaborating

Releasing Worries When feeling a bit anxious. I breathe deeply and my eyes follow the smallest twig to branches, then trunk of the walnut tree hanging over our little deck. My focus moves from concerns to the tiny purple blooms on sprigs of volunteer violets in the...
Weekly Devotional – Supportive Community

Weekly Devotion – The Holy Spirit Speaks

Pentecost is Coming! Heightened awareness of clutter and dust that have gone unnoticed far too long draw attention to cobwebs strung from blade to blade of that ceiling fan and sawdust grit accumulated on the tread of stairs. With baked rhubarb crisp fresh asparagus...